
Assess risks before buying new software

The growing market for cybersecurity products is a sign that businesses are taking the issue seriously. But before your company jumps into investing in any product, ask yourself if it’s really necessary. Find out how you can make the most out of cybersecurity products by conducting a risk assessment. Uncover threats and vulnerabilities Every business […]

3 important web content trends

Content is an important part of how you market your business’s website, and it constantly changes based on consumer habits. Today, the average internet user takes roughly eight seconds to decide whether they should stay on a page, which means website producers have their work cut out for them. Here’s how they’re coping with consumer […]

Boost Productivity With 7 Office 365 Add-Ons

Microsoft Office 365’s numerous productivity-boosting apps like Word, PowerPoint, Excel, OneNote, and Outlook have allowed businesses to meet client demands efficiently, and its numerous productivity add-ons have enabled users to deliver more in minimal time. We’ve compiled a handful of Office 365 extensions that help you work more efficiently. #1. StaffHub You can now easily […]

Hide & Seek malware: What you need to know

What’s the worst thing that could happen to your Internet of Things (IoT) devices? If you guessed ‘getting infected with malware,’ you’re right. Many users think IoT gadgets don’t need the same protections required for PCs, laptops, and smartphones — but they do. There’s a new malware strain that attacks IoT-enabled devices, and you need […]

The dangers of app overload in businesses

Blessed are today’s businesses for having the benefits of technology to make operation more efficient. Apps have been a big help in streamlining business processes across industries. But at the same time, these programs may cause error and confusion when unorganized — and that translates into lowered productivity. How app confusion occurs A new study […]

Facebook: 4th favorite choice for teens

Facebook is no longer the most popular social media platform for US teens. According to a recent survey by Pew Research Center, only 51% of US teens aged 13 to 17 years are using Facebook. This is much lower than the shares for US teenage Snapchat users (69%), Instagram users (72%), and YouTube users (85%). […]

Office 365 will block Flash by 2019

Microsoft recently announced plans to eventually stop the activation of Silverlight, Shockwave, and Flash content in Office 365. This is not just the developers disabling bugs with an option to click a link or button to look at content. Within a few months’ time, Flash will be gone from Office 365 for good. What media […]

Mitigating healthcare insider threats

The healthcare industry is unique in that the biggest data security threat comes from insider breaches.The main reason for these unauthorized hacks is financial gain. So how can healthcare organizations protect themselves against insider threats? Read on. #1 Educate – The workforce (meaning all healthcare employees) must be educated on allowable uses and disclosures of […]

Nation-state hackers inflict destructive malware

A destructive, new malware has surfaced in at least 500,000 home and business routers across 54 countries. Security researchers warned that the infected devices could “self-destruct” as the said malware named VPNFilter can maintain presence even after a successful reboot. How VPNFilter Works Talos cited the vulnerable devices as Linksys, MikroTik, Netgear, and TP-Link networking […]

WordPress security updates: Yay or nay?

WordPress (WP) websites play a crucial role in establishing a business’s online presence. One way WP developers keep business owners safe and happy is by providing regular security updates that protect sites from unauthorized access. But why do websites sometimes crash after an update, and what can you do to prevent that from happening? Be […]