
Warning signs your computer has malware

With the rise of eCommerce and online banking, cybercrime has evolved. Like criminals who pull smash-and-grab jobs, they go where the money is. However, unlike bank robbers, cybercriminals do their best to avoid detection by letting malware do the work for them. Viruses and ransomware sneak into PCs to quietly steal passwords, financial credentials, and […]

Five design tips to improve your website

It’s not enough for small businesses to have a beautiful-looking website these days. Small business owners must also adopt web design trends that not only attract more visitors but ultimately increase sales. Consider the following web design ideas to achieve just that. Scrolling Scrolling is a convenient method to navigate a website. Instead of clicking […]

Keep your business alive with BCP

Power outages, disasters, and other disruptions are inevitable. Thousands of businesses around the globe are affected by them every year, with lost profits ranging into the millions, if not billions. So how can your business protect itself and stay open when the unexpected strikes? Here is a standard business continuity plan (BCP) your company can […]

Should you monitor your employees online?

To monitor your employees, or not to monitor them, that is the topic of this blog post. If you’ve ever considered checking in on your staff’s online activities, you may have hesitated about whether or not it’s the right decision. We’ve listed the pros and cons of monitoring your employees, and some tips to make […]

Must-have extensions for your Google Chrome

Google Chrome is the most popular and most used browser in the world. And because of its unparalleled speed, user-friendly interface, and powerful performance, it’s also touted as the best browser. But did you know that the Chrome Web Store is full of extensions you can install to add extra features to your browser? Here […]

Cybersecurity and managed IT services

The saying that every company is a technology company is undeniably true, with today’s enterprises unable to function without digital hearts, veins, and arteries. This system, however, comes with a price: a daily onslaught of hacking and other cyberthreats. As such, expertise and robust solutions in cybersecurity are no longer the privilege and luxury of […]

3 Reasons why security is better in the cloud

If small- and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) think cybersecurity is impossible to manage now, just think about what it was like before the internet provided a way to receive IT support remotely. Today, enterprise-level solutions and security can be delivered from almost anywhere in the world. Read on to find out why that’s even safer than […]

Threats facing financial institutions today

Despite efforts to remain secure, financial services make up 35% of all data breaches, earning the unfortunate title of most breached sector. It provides multiple avenues for cybercriminals to monetize their skills through extortion, theft, and fraud. These incidents compel businesses and individuals to take cybersecurity seriously. How prepared is your business? A good starting […]

Understanding HTTPS

Are you an avid online shopper? Have you noticed if each payment page has HTTPS in its URL lead-up? If you’re not absolutely sure, you might be a prime target for identity theft. Here’s why you should make sure that the websites you browse for shopping have a little padlock icon on them in the […]

How good is your disaster recovery plan?

You may think you know all about disaster recovery plans (DRP) from attending conferences or reading up on the subject. But one of the best ways to learn is by example, and the following real-life case offers valuable lessons. Learn about the DPR audit of a state government office and the knowledge gained from it. […]